
2023年9月25日—TheRepublicP-47Thunderboltwasafighter-bomberaircraftmainlyusedbytheUnitedStatesArmyAirForcesandtheRoyalAirForce.Vehicles.,2023年12月5日—TheRepublicP-47ThunderboltwasanAmericanfighter-bomberoftheWWIIera.ItwasoneofthemainUSAAFfightersofWWII,especially ...,2023年10月24日—IntroducedinUpdateRainingFire,theP-47D-22-REThunderboltisafairlydecentfighterandgroundattacker.Themaindifferenceb...


2023年9月25日 — The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt was a fighter-bomber aircraft mainly used by the United States Army Air Forces and the Royal Air Force. Vehicles.


2023年12月5日 — The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt was an American fighter-bomber of the WWII era. It was one of the main USAAF fighters of WWII, especially ...


2023年10月24日 — Introduced in Update Raining Fire, the P-47D-22-RE Thunderbolt is a fairly decent fighter and ground attacker. The main difference between the ...


2023年10月21日 — The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt was an American fighter-bomber of the WWII era. It was one of the main USAAF fighters of WWII, especially ...


2023年10月21日 — The P-47D-28 Thunderbolt is a rank III American fighter with a battle rating of 4.0 (AB), 5.0 (RB), and 4.3 (SB). It was introduced in Update ...


2023年10月21日 — The ␗P-47D-30 Thunderbolt is a rank III Chinese fighter with a battle rating of 4.0 (AB), 5.0 (RB), and 3.7 (SB). It was introduced in Update ...

What's so good about the P47 Thunderbolt?

2023年6月8日 — Early P-47s are honestly pretty mid with too poor of a climb rate to be effective early game where it matters. They can be strong at high alts ...


2018年9月7日 — 這回要先和大家說聲抱歉,本來是在錄格鬥畫面刻意低空飛行,結果沒人想跟我格鬥,然後我不知不覺就拿6殺了想說乾脆趁這個機會和大家分享如何駕駛磚塊 ...